Udflyttet 1849-81, B:2 Okome:
16. september 1881 Joh. Aron Carlsson Kome 61 14/5 til Amerika
Rejste via Varberg i 1881. Rejste fra sognet 16. september 1881.
Var i Sverige i Gällsås 10. november 1889 - kom hjem en uge før (har jeg fra et brev)
Adresser i USA:
John A. Carlson
Box 479
South Chicago, Ill
North America
1900 - 1910:
John A Carlson
9804 Av. J
South chicago, Ill
North America
I went to my genealogical society library today and did some look-ups in the Chicago City
Directories. I am not sure of some of the people. (I put a ? by those.) I found some who matched
your addresses. Your relative was a shoemaker. :-)
1892--There were no shoemakers named John Carlson or John A. Carlson. (1) ? Carlson John,
carpenter, home 341, 59th L (L = Lake, a town that later became incorporated into the city of
Chicago.) (2) ? Carlson John 1142 59th L. (Maybe neither of these men is your John. You didn't
actually say when he emigrated.)
1893--(1) ? Carlson John, shoemaker, boards 8801 Superior Avenue (2) ? Carlson John A., shoemaker,
357? (or 157?) 59th Street
1894--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 153, 59th Street L (town of Lake)
1895--(1) ? Carlson, John A., shoes, 151 West 59th Street. (I don't think this is him, unless it is
his home address.) (2) Carlson, John A., shoes, 9005 Ontario Avenue (This matches an address from
later years.)
1896--Carlson, John A., shoes, 9005 Ontario Avenue (probably where he works) home: 8939 Ontario
1897-- (1) Carlson, John A., shoes, 152 Oak (This is not him.) (2) Carlson, John A., shoes, 9005
Ontario Avenue, home: 9025 Ontario Avenue (This is your relative.)
1898--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 8945 Superior Avenue
1899--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 8945 Superior Avenue
1900--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9804 Avenue J (You will recognize
that address as one you provided.)
1901--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9804 Avenue J
1902--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9804 Avenue J
1903--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9804 Avenue J
1904--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9804 Avenue J
1905--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9804 Avenue J
1906--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9804 Avenue J
1907--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9804 Avenue J
1908--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9808 Avenue J (You had this home
address also.)
1909--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9808 Avenue J
1910--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9808 Avenue J
1911--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9808 Avenue J
1912--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9808 Avenue J
1913--Carlson, John A., shoemaker, 9005 Ontario Avenue, home: 9808 Avenue J
1914--Carlson, John A., shoes, 9005 Brandon Avenue (the street might have been renamed; I'm not
sure.), home: 9808 Avenue J
1915--Carlson, John A., shoes, 9005 Brandon Avenue, home: 9808 Avenue J
1916--Carlson, John A., shoes, 9005 Brandon Avenue, home: 2715 East 77th
1917--Carlson, John A., shoes, 9005 Brandon Avenue, home: 2715 East 77th
There were no city directories published in Chicago until 1923. Your John A. Carlson must have died
in that time period. He might have died in 1917 also, since there is no guarantee that a listed
person lived the entire year. You didn't find him in the 1920 U.S. Federal Census, so he must have
died before January of that year, when the census was taken.
1923--Carlson, Helen (widow of John A.) home: 2715 East 77th. (I am not sure why they lived at 2705
Burnham Avenue in the 1920 census, since they were living at this 2215 East 77th address in the
1917 directory. Perhaps they lived with a relative. Did you see a sign of "outsiders" in the family
in that census?)
There were no city directories published in Chicago until the 1929/1929 directory, which was the
last directory published.
1928/1929--Carlson, Helen (widow of John A.) home: 2715 East 77th
There was a telephone book for 1932 but I didn't find Helen Carlson, widow of John A., living at
that address. Perhaps she died or moved.
I didn't have time to check the Cook County death registers. I need to go to my Family History
Center. They have some death registers listing deaths by addresses. :-) Maybe with this address
information, the death date of your John A. Carlson can be discovered. I will try to check this
There are some birth indexes for the Chicago area, including all of Cook County. In those days,
only some of the births were recorded, but maybe I will find some listings for John's children.
If we find a death date, perhaps an obituary can be found. I only have microfilms of one city
newspaper in a library near me, but the main library in downtown Chicago has many microfilmed
newspapers. I won't be able to go there soon, but if I do go there, I can check those microfilms
for you. An obituary should name relatives, and maybe some mention will be made of Elof.
I have a book called "Chicago and Cook County, A Guide to Research", by Loretto Dennis Szucs. It
says, about Lake: "The township, or village of Lake, was bounded on the north by 39th Street, on
the east by State Street, on the south by 87th Street, and on the west by the township of Lyons. It
was incorporated with these boundaries in February, 1865. The Illinois Legislature amended the
charter in 1867, and gave enlarged and special powers to village officers to govern the entire
territory embraced within the congressional township. The Town of Lake was annexed to the City of
Chicago in 1889."
The "South Chicago" you mentioned in one of your messages is listed in this book as "Hyde Park".
Among other things, the book says of Hyde Park: "The government of Hyde Park was initially merged
with the government of the Town of Lake. In 1889, the village of Hyde Park was annexed to Chicago."
Emigranten records show:
Johan A. Carlsson, age 23, from Falkenberg in Halland county, left Göteborg on 24 Jun 1881 for NY.
He was alone and no ship names are listed.
Elof Carlson, age 27, from Köinge in Halland, left Göteborg on 15 Apr 1887 for NY. He was alone
and ship names are listed.
Donald W. Carlson
Hi Lena,
I used a microfilm called "Deaths in City of Chicago During the Years 1871-1933 Inc.", number
1295944 at my Family History Center. (There are many other microfilms with this title but this one
covers names such as Larson.)
There is a listing of a John A. Carlson, whose address was 2715 E. 77. He died 12 June 1919. Now
you should be able to select the correct John A. Carlson on the Illinois Death Index and order his
free death certificate. I will try to find an obituary for him, but that will take some time. I'm
not sure when I will be able to check.
I was not able to find your Helen since none died at that address. She either moved and died or she
was alive by the end of 1933.
I also found a listing of his little son, Carl D. Larson. The listing shows he died, as you said,
on 4 May 1905 and his address at the time was 9804 Avenue J. You probably need to contact Cook
County to get his death certificate.
I did some searching in a register for births of the children of your relative John A. Carlson. I
used a Chicago birth index, which lists births plus address and the names of parents are given. I
am not finished checking but I found some of them.
I found the birth of Ruth Florence Carlson on 25 March 1898. The microfilm left out part of the
register page so you might need to contact the archives of Cook County to ask for a better copy or
the missing information, but the parents were both Swedish, the mother's maiden name was Williams,
the age of the father was 36, both parents came from Sweden, the address was Superior between 89th
and 90th Streets, the father was a shoemaker, and the information was provided by Mrs. Helen
That maiden name of Williams is obviously Americanized. I suppose she was Vilhelmsdotter or
Vilhelmsson at that period of time (or Wilhelmsdotter/son)
A unnamed Carlson girl was registered as being born on 11 September 1899. The address was 9804
Avenue J. (Something else was written by the address but I can't read it.) This must be Naomi
Elizabeth. She was named on the fiche version of the index, which doesn't have as much information.
Find her death certificate in Cook County, probably. The father was 38. Every other bit of
information is the same as before.
I can't find any registration of the birth of Carl David on 22 May 1900. I did a quick search of
all of 1900 and 1901 registrations and didn't find him. Either the birthdate is incorrect or they
didn't register his birth.
A unnamed girl was born 30 June 1903. She was the mother's fourth child. The address was the one on
Avenue J and the father was 42. Part of the page is missing which shows who reported the
information. It was not the mother this time. It was G.E. Ala__ ? with the last name torn away.
This child must be your E. Eva.
A quick look through 1907 didn't find Carl, born 1907. I didn't have time to search the records in
1909 for Ruben.
I hope this helps.